Aluminum hydroxide price May 2024 and outlook (see chart below)

  • North America:US$0.59/KG, 3.5% up
  • Europe:US$0.69/KG, 3% up
  • South America:US$0.27/KG, 3.8% up
  • Northeast Asia:US$0.55/KG, 3.8% up
The chart below summarizes Aluminum hydroxide price trend per region, as well as the outlook. It takes a moment to load.

Business Analytiq assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness.

Aluminum hydroxide​ price index

This post is a summary of the Aluminum hydroxide price developments. The price developments of Aluminum hydroxide are expressed in US$ prices converted FX rates applicable at the time when the price was valid. Aluminum hydroxide price index developments are calculated from multiple separate sources of data to ensure statistical accuracy.

The outlook for potassium Aluminum hydroxide prices, on the second tab, is generated from different inputs including:

  • Very recent price developments of immediate cost drivers of Aluminum hydroxide prices
  • Recent price developments of underlying feedstocks which drive the price of Aluminum hydroxide
  • Market futures for both cost drives and feedstocks of Aluminum hydroxide prices
  • Adjustment of current supply/demand imbalances in the Aluminum hydroxide market
  • Longer term trends in likely demand conditions

Further information on the Aluminum hydroxide price chart


What is Aluminum Hydroxide

Aluminum hydroxide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Al(OH)3. It is also known as hydrated alumina or alumina trihydrate.

Aluminum hydroxide is a white, powdery substance that is insoluble in water. It is commonly used as an antacid to treat symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, and other digestive disorders. When ingested, it reacts with stomach acid to form aluminum salts, which can neutralize excess acid in the stomach.

In addition to its use as an antacid, aluminum hydroxide is also used as a filler in the production of plastics, rubber, and other materials. It is also used in water treatment as a flocculant to help remove impurities from drinking water.

Aluminum hydroxide is considered to be safe for most people when used as directed. However, in rare cases, it may cause side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. People with kidney disease or other health conditions should talk to their doctor before using aluminum hydroxide as an antacid.


What is Aluminum Hydroxide used for

Aluminum hydroxide is a compound that is commonly used in medicine, industry, and as a fire retardant. Here are some common uses:


Aluminum hydroxide is used as an antacid to treat heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach.

Vaccine adjuvant

It is used as an adjuvant in vaccines to enhance the body’s immune response to the vaccine.

Water treatment

It is used in water treatment to remove impurities such as suspended solids, organic matter, and bacteria.

Flame retardant

Aluminum hydroxide is used as a flame retardant in various materials including plastics, rubber, and textiles.

Industrial uses

It is used in the production of aluminum metal, ceramics, and glass.


Aluminum hydroxide is used in some cosmetics as an absorbent, emulsifier, and thickening agent.

Other medical uses

It is also used in the treatment of kidney disease, phosphate-binding therapy, and as a topical astringent for the treatment of skin irritations.


What types of Aluminum Hydroxide are there

There are several types of aluminum hydroxide, each with different properties and uses. The three main types of aluminum hydroxide are:


Gibbsite is the most common form of aluminum hydroxide and has the chemical formula Al(OH)3. It is a white, crystalline powder that is used as an antacid, filler in plastics and other materials, and in water treatment as a flocculant.


Bayerite has the chemical formula Al(OH)3 and is similar to gibbsite in structure and properties. It is used in the production of aluminum metal and as a filler in plastics and other materials.


Diaspore has the chemical formula AlO(OH) and is a less common form of aluminum hydroxide. It is a white, crystalline powder that is used in the production of aluminum metal and as a filler in plastics and other materials.

In addition to these main types, there are also various modified forms of aluminum hydroxide that have been developed for specific applications. These include amorphous aluminum hydroxide, which is used as a vaccine adjuvant, and pseudo-boehmite, which is used as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.


How is Aluminum Hydroxide produced

Aluminum hydroxide is typically produced by a chemical reaction between aluminum and a solution of sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda. The basic steps involved in its production are as follows:

Bauxite extraction

Aluminum hydroxide is made from bauxite, a mineral that contains aluminum oxide. Bauxite is mined and processed to extract the aluminum oxide.


The extracted aluminum oxide is then treated with a hot solution of sodium hydroxide to produce sodium aluminate, which is a soluble salt.


The sodium aluminate solution is then reacted with carbon dioxide to form aluminum hydroxide, which is insoluble and precipitates out of the solution. The aluminum hydroxide is then separated from the liquid and washed to remove any impurities.


The aluminum hydroxide is dried and then heated to high temperatures in a kiln, a process called calcination. This converts the aluminum hydroxide to alumina, a material that is used in the production of aluminum metal.

The resulting aluminum hydroxide is typically used as an antacid or as a filler in the production of plastics, rubber, and other materials. It is also used in water treatment, as a flame retardant, and in various other industrial applications.


What drives the cost of Aluminum Hydroxide

The cost of aluminum hydroxide is influenced by several factors, including:

Raw materials

The cost of bauxite, the primary raw material used to produce aluminum hydroxide, can affect the cost of aluminum hydroxide. Fluctuations in the price of bauxite can impact the overall cost of aluminum hydroxide production.

Production process

The cost of producing aluminum hydroxide is influenced by the efficiency of the production process, including factors such as energy consumption, labor costs, and equipment costs.

Market demand

The demand for aluminum hydroxide in different industries, such as the pharmaceutical, water treatment, and construction industries, can affect the price of aluminum hydroxide. Increases in demand can lead to higher prices, while decreases in demand can result in lower prices.


The presence of competition in the aluminum hydroxide market can affect the price of the product. The availability of alternative materials with similar properties can also influence the price of aluminum hydroxide.


Regulations and environmental standards can also impact the cost of producing aluminum hydroxide. Compliance with regulations can increase production costs, which may be passed on to consumers.

Overall, the cost of aluminum hydroxide is determined by a complex interplay of these factors and may vary depending on the specific application and market conditions.


How big is the global Aluminum Hydroxide market

The global aluminum hydroxide market size was valued at USD 1.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2021 to 2028. The market is driven by increasing demand for aluminum hydroxide in various end-use industries such as pharmaceuticals, water treatment, and construction.

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for aluminum hydroxide, accounting for over 50% of the global market share in 2020. This is due to the presence of a large number of pharmaceutical and water treatment industries in the region. North America and Europe are also significant markets for aluminum hydroxide due to the increasing demand for flame retardants in the construction industry.

The major players in the global aluminum hydroxide market include Albemarle Corporation, Nabaltec AG, Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Huber Engineered Materials, and Nippon Light Metal Company Ltd. These companies are investing in research and development activities to develop innovative products and expand their market presence.

According to :

Aluminium hydroxide are the world’s 1569th most traded product.

In 2020, the top exporters of Aluminium hydroxide were Germany ($287M), China ($235M), United States ($120M), Australia ($118M), and Brazil ($90.3M).

In 2020, the top importers of Aluminium hydroxide were Japan ($137M), South Korea ($128M), United States ($124M), Italy ($96.6M), and Netherlands ($87.4M).


Which countries produce the most Aluminum Hydroxide

The production of aluminum hydroxide is concentrated in a few countries around the world. The top five producers of aluminum hydroxide are:


China is the largest producer of aluminum hydroxide, accounting for more than 50% of global production. The country’s large production capacity is driven by its extensive use of the material in the production of aluminum and other industrial applications.

United States

The United States is the second-largest producer of aluminum hydroxide, with a significant share of the market driven by the country’s thriving pharmaceutical and water treatment industries.


Japan is a major producer of aluminum hydroxide, with a strong focus on high-quality products used in the pharmaceutical industry.


Several countries in Europe, including Germany and France, are significant producers of aluminum hydroxide, driven by demand from the construction, water treatment, and other industries.


India is a significant producer of aluminum hydroxide, with a rapidly growing market driven by the country’s expanding pharmaceutical and construction industries.

Other notable producers of aluminum hydroxide include Australia, Brazil, Russia, and Canada.


Further information

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