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n-Propanol price index

This post is a summary of the n-propanol price developments. The price developments of n-propanol are expressed in US$ prices converted FX rates applicable at the time when the price was valid. n-propanol price index developments are calculated from multiple separate sources of data to ensure statistical accuracy.

The outlook for n-propanol prices is generated from different inputs including:

  • Very recent price developments of immediate cost drivers of n-propanol prices
  • Recent price developments of underlying feedstocks which drive the price of n-propanol
  • Market futures for both cost drives and feedstocks of n-propanol prices
  • Adjustment of current supply/demand imbalances in the n-propanol market
  • Longer term trends in likely demand conditions

Further information on the n-propanol​ price chart


What is n-propanol

N-propanol, also known as 1-propanol or propan-1-ol, is a type of alcohol with the chemical formula C3H7OH. It is a colorless liquid with a slightly sweet odor and is commonly used as a solvent in various industrial processes. N-propanol can also be found in some consumer products, including cleaning agents, paints, and personal care products.

It is one of the isomers of propanol, with the other isomer being isopropanol (2-propanol or rubbing alcohol), which is often used as a disinfectant and antiseptic. N-propanol has different properties and applications compared to isopropanol due to its structural differences.

In industrial settings, n-propanol is utilized as a solvent in the manufacturing of coatings, resins, and various chemical products. It can also be used as a fuel additive and as a component in the production of pharmaceuticals and perfumes. Like other alcohols, it can have various uses, depending on its purity and specific properties.


How is n-Propanol produced

N-propanol, also known as 1-propanol, is typically produced through a chemical process known as the hydration of propylene. Here’s a simplified overview of the production process:

Feedstock Selection

The primary feedstock for the production of n-propanol is propylene, which is a petrochemical derived from the refining of crude oil or natural gas.

Hydration Reaction

The key step in the production process is the hydration of propylene, where propylene reacts with water to form n-propanol.

This reaction typically requires the presence of a catalyst, such as an acid catalyst (e.g., sulfuric acid) or an alkaline catalyst (e.g., potassium hydroxide), to facilitate the conversion of propylene into n-propanol.

Separation and Purification

After the reaction, the mixture contains various components, including n-propanol, unreacted propylene, water, and possibly some byproducts. The mixture is typically separated and purified through distillation or other separation techniques to isolate n-propanol.

Additional Processing

Depending on the desired purity and specific application, additional processing steps may be involved, such as removing impurities or further refining the n-propanol product.

Product Storage and Packaging

The purified n-propanol is then stored and packaged for distribution and use in various industrial applications.

It’s important to note that the production of n-propanol may involve additional steps and variations in the process depending on the specific requirements of the manufacturer and the intended use of the product. The choice of catalyst, reaction conditions, and purification methods can vary between different production facilities


What is n-Propanol used for

N-propanol (1-propanol) has a range of industrial and commercial applications due to its chemical properties. Some of its common uses include:


N-propanol is widely used as a solvent in various applications, including coatings, paints, inks, adhesives, and chemical manufacturing processes. It can dissolve a wide range of organic compounds and is chosen for its ability to dissolve and disperse materials effectively.

Chemical Intermediary

It serves as a chemical intermediate in the production of other chemicals. It can be used to manufacture pharmaceuticals, perfumes, and other chemical products.

Cleaning Agent

N-propanol is found in cleaning products, particularly in industrial and commercial cleaning solutions, due to its ability to dissolve oils, greases, and various contaminants. It’s used in applications where a less volatile and less flammable alternative to other solvents like acetone or ethanol is required.

Fuel Additive

It can be used as a fuel additive to improve the combustion characteristics of gasoline and reduce emissions. It has been used to reduce cold start emissions and enhance the performance of gasoline engines.


In the pharmaceutical industry, n-propanol is employed as an extractant for various compounds and active ingredients from plant materials.


N-propanol is used in perfumery to dilute and adjust the fragrance concentration in perfumes and colognes.


It is used as a component in the manufacture of some pharmaceutical products.


In some applications, it may be used as a preservative or antimicrobial agent.

Analytical Chemistry

N-propanol is utilized in chromatography and analytical chemistry techniques as a mobile phase solvent.

Chemical Research

It is used as a reagent or solvent in various chemical research and laboratory processes.

It’s important to note that the specific use of n-propanol can vary depending on its purity, grade, and the industry in which it is employed. Due to its versatility as a solvent and chemical intermediate, n-propanol plays a significant role in many industrial processes.


What drives the cost of n-Propanol

The cost of n-propanol production can be influenced by several key feedstocks and factors. The primary feedstock for n-propanol production is propylene, and the cost of propylene is a significant driver of n-propanol production costs. However, other factors can also affect production costs:


As mentioned earlier, propylene is the main feedstock for n-propanol production. Its price can be influenced by factors such as crude oil prices, natural gas prices (since propylene can be derived from natural gas liquids), and supply-demand dynamics in the petrochemical industry. Fluctuations in propylene prices can directly impact the cost of n-propanol production.

Energy Costs

The production of n-propanol requires energy for various processes, including the hydration of propylene and the separation and purification steps. Changes in energy prices, including electricity and natural gas prices, can affect production costs.

Catalyst Costs

Depending on the specific production process, catalysts may be required for the hydration reaction. The cost and availability of catalysts, which can be acidic or alkaline in nature, can impact production expenses.

Labor and Operating Costs

Labor, maintenance, and other operating costs associated with the production facility can contribute to the overall cost of n-propanol production.

Purity and Quality Requirements

Different industries and applications may require n-propanol of varying purity levels. Meeting specific quality standards and purity requirements can involve additional processing steps and costs.

Transportation Costs

The cost of transporting raw materials to the production facility and delivering the final product to customers can be a factor, especially if the facility is located far from feedstock sources or major markets.


How big is the global n-Propanol market

According to :

Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are the world’s 1235th most traded product.

In 2020, the top exporters of Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol were United States ($382M), China ($319M), Germany ($204M), South Korea ($189M), and Netherlands ($188M).

In 2020, the top importers of Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol were India ($184M), Belgium ($166M), United States ($145M), Germany ($114M), and China ($94M).


Further information

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  • The source of the data are exclusively public non-confidential sources. We have no access to primary data
  • This the index trend of the price trend of the "product category" in general, and not a single specification of the product in particular
  • The data is a combination of contract and spot pricing
  • Our algorithms are set up to eliminate significant product mix impact on the reported price
  • We combine public publications, import/export records, trading prices, company announcements, magazine articles, tweets, and other sources of ad-hoc public information.
  • The chart shows the our best approximation of the market trend based on our algorithm interpretation of the signals
  • For most indexes we have multiple sources and we focus on using statistically-correlated sources
  • As a function of our automation, it is likely that recent trends will be adjusted as we discover more information. So, for example, the price trend for February 2024 will be first calculated in February 2024 and adjusted in March, April and May 2024.
  • We will update the data trend as more information becomes available, and this means that recent trends will always be adjusted as we get more data available
  • The algorithm will regularly revise our understanding of market trends, and indicated market trends may change
  • The data is presented in US$. The UOM of measure is shown in the Index list table
  • Our automated software and we do our best to create an accurate representation of the trend


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  • Quality level C: Data is from multiple credible sources and there are some statistical inconsistencies between them
  • Quality level D: Data is from a single credible source, but we cannot verify the data
  • Quality level E: Data is either:
    • From a single source, which we consider reliable, but we cannot verify the data.
    • From 2 or more sources which have some periods of contradicting trends.
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  • By their nature, outlooks are always uncertain


How often do we update the data?

  • We aim to update the data series on the 9th and 24th of each month (but we do not always make it for each chart)
  • The data for the current month and recent history are fine-tuned over time.


What are we doing to improve the data?

  • We are continually improving our data collection and processing methods
  • Pricing data will be updated from time to time as we improve the accuracy
  • We are reviewing all data sources in the first half of 2024.
    • There will be continuous fine-tuning of the trend and forecast algorithm as part of that.
    • The key focus in 2024 is to add many additional indexes


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